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Launch announcement for Double Happiness Creations Flex Store

Double Happiness Creations Flex Store Launch

Andrew Engstrom

1 min read

We’ve just completed a cool little application for Yvonne Wong’s company Double Happiness Creations. She specializes in creating custom greetings and invitations. When you take a look at her work, it’s pretty obvious that she needs something a little bit out of the ordinary when it came to the buying experience, so w put together this little application to help sell her cards online. It utilizes flex and ColdFusion, and simply sends the order info in an XML format. You can check out the store here

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Technologies and services we work with:

Laravel Laravel
WordPress WordPress
React ReactJS
EmberJS EmberJS
woocommerce WooCommerce
next.js NextJS
gatsby Gatsby
Shopify Shopify
VueJs VueJS
contentful Contentful
next.js JAMStack
gatsby Laravel Jigsaw
WPEngine WP Engine
Laravel Livewire Laravel Livewire
Netlify Netlify